Once you have bought an outfit, the seller has 3 days to deliver the outfit to us. We will perform our routine quality checks and package up the item, ready for you to relove! You should receive the items within 14-21 working days. Each item specifies maximum delivery times in the product descriptions.
As a buyer, you have 48 hours to let us know if the item is:
- Not as described on the website (all items go through vigorous checks to ensure this is not the case)
- If the item doesn’t arrive
If the item doesn't pass our quality checks, we will allow the customer to purchase the item for 15% off without contacting the seller. If the customer rejects this, they will be refunded 100% of their payment, and the seller will be responsible for shipment back to them / collection.
Note to Sellers - all items MUST be dry cleaned or you will incur additional fees
Check out our ‘Refund Policy’ for more information.